Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Internet Can Change YOUR Life

If you are looking to escape a mundane existence for something a little more spicey or unorthodox then the internet really is going to be the tool to get you on your way. I will write about self-employment and the role the internet can play on other posts but this is not the specific context I am talking about now. It's just whatever you think you may want to do for interest or career, you will able to research to the nines before making any commitment or risking anything more than some time.

Want to be a professional photographer and relocate to Italy? Check out forums and blogs of people that have done one or other or both. You soon get a feel of the practicalities of your ideal from reading real experiences of others. Don't be instantly put off, it's just that what ever dream we want to pursue is going to have plenty of challenges and at least initial research prepares us.

The next step of this research process can be blogging, depending on your interest. Say you want to be an art restorer then having to write about restoration techniques a few times a week will test just how passionate you are about this subject. If you have run out of steam by week two or three then may be this dream isn't for you after all. Too tired to read a screen after your day job? Youtube is great for all sorts of personal accounts and professionals putting themselves out there talking about what they do.

This research phase is not in itself going to change your life but it can greatly enhance your chances of making the right moves. When we had to rely on libraries for research, making an informed decision on virtually anything significant was ludicrously difficult compared to the online access we have now. Don't take this for granted and use it as fully as you are able.

Having whims and wants is great but acting on them impulsively can be truely destructive.  If we act boldly on the wrong initiative it will make us twice shy for taking brave steps again. Your time is valuable so invest at least two or three weeks or part time research around anything you are seriously curious about. Then bin it if you are getting the wrong vibes online or use your research for taking things further.

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