Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Life Less Ordinary (but not too much less!)

This blog is all about the concept of escaping....

For as long as I can remember I have not been driven by something singular and tangible like money but a nebulous desire to escape the confines that adult life puts upon the majority of us. I believe this urge lies within a vast number of people and the minority actually seem to do it.

Rock stars clearly have something in them that wants to "stick it to the man" and this must be on the same spectrum. This blog is for everyone who feels they too are on this spectrum of desire to do something a little bit different with their lives than would be perceived as "normal" by parents, peers, teachers and others.

Don't get me wrong, I have no desire to be an odd ball or outcast - the bulk of what ordinary entails I embrace whole heartedly. I want to responsibly look after my family and pay taxes, it's just I don't want to feel that I have lived my life by other peoples terms and rules.

In future posts I will write about the components of life that impact most of us and how we can make each a little or a lot less ordinary, mostly by incremental changes. A big feature of this will be work/income and how we should aim to control this rather than let it dictate what kind of life we have. This is not to say I will be saying self-employment is the only route as I do not think it is as polarised as this.

I am also passionate about how we spend money and the social norms that again take control of our spending if we are not careful. For example, having a nice house is great but not if it locks you into a life in which you have a feeling of dread every Sunday night.

Why do I feel like writing this?

Well, I m not yet half way through my working life but feel I am starting to escape a confining existence. This is exciting but at times I also wrestle with fear it all might come crashing down.

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